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Make your money go further
With many people trying to manage rising fuel, food and energy bills, as well as other living cost pressures, all of us could benefit from tips about how to make our money go further.
Hints, Tips and Resources
Barclays Digital WingsGrow your digital and money skills with us. Our mission is to help give everyone the tools to navigate the digital and financial world with confidence. We’re here to make learning digital skills and financial literacy straightforward, accessible, and empowering. Find out more click hereSave Barclays Digital Wings to favourites
Make your money go further – checklistMany residents are currently struggling with rising food, energy, fuel and other living costs. That's why it's important to know what help and support is available now - that could benefit you, a relative, friend or neighbour. Check these 19 practical actions that could help you or someone you know. Find out more click hereSave Make your money go further – checklist to favourites
Resources and toolkits for organisationsIn this area, we have collated information on various topics that can help you to support your customers' financial wellbeing. This includes information, downloadable resources and useful links. Find out more click hereSave Resources and toolkits for organisations to favourites
Local services
Lightning ReachIf you're struggling financially and need help with money, you may be eligible to apply for support such as grants, benefits, help with bills and local schemes. The secure Lightning Reach portal allows you to find and apply for support from multiple providers, quickly and easily with successful applicants receiving £1,070 on average. Find out more click hereSave Lightning Reach to favourites
Holiday Activity and Food ProgrammeThe Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programme is a Department for Education funded programme delivered locally and providing fun, enriching activities and tasty, nutritious meals during school holidays. Find out more click hereSave Holiday Activity and Food Programme to favourites
National Services
Discounted Broadband'Social tariffs' are discounted broadband and phone packages for people claiming certain benefits, such as, Universal Credit and Pension Credit. Find out what benefits are included, compare different packages and how to apply. Find out more click hereSave Discounted Broadband to favourites
30 Hours ChildcareAll children aged 3 - 4 years are currently entitled to 15 hours per week funded childcare over 38 weeks, or less hours per week over more weeks up to a maximum of 570 hours per year. The new 30 hours of funded childcare is known as the extended entitlement. Find out more click hereSave 30 Hours Childcare to favourites
Tax Free ChildcareTax Free Childcare is a Government initiative for working families, including the self-employed, who have children under 12 (under 17 if disabled). You can get up to £500 every three months, up to a maximum of £2,000 a year per child. If you child has a disability, you can get up to £1,000 every three months up to a maximum of £4,000 a year per child. Find out more click hereSave Tax Free Childcare to favourites
Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)Two, three and four year old children attending a funded place at an early years education setting such as a nursery school, nursery class, private nursery or childminder may be eligible to receive Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP). Find out more click hereSave Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) to favourites