
Reducing or quitting drugs can help you to be happier, safer, and healthier. It can be hard to take that first step and address your drug use, but it can have a really positive impact on how healthy and happy you are. 

Any drug can cause harms, whether it’s cocaine, prescription painkillers or cannabis. You don’t have to be taking drugs every day for it to be an issue, either. Dependence on a drug can be physical, psychological or both. 

You might have noticed that you can’t do everyday things without using drugs first, or maybe you have experienced some kind of withdrawal when you’re not using. 

Other people might have seen a change in your behaviour, or you might have started taking risks that put your health or safety in danger. 

Whatever the reason, change is possible with the right support. 

Thinking of stopping or cutting down?

If you’re thinking of taking steps to stop taking drugs or cut down, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. It’s much easier to make positive changes when you’ve got help and support from other people. 

You could: 

  • Speak to your doctor about your concerns. They’ll be able to give you advice and useful information. 
  • If you can, talk to family and friends about your drug use. Asking for help can make a big difference, especially in the first few weeks. 
  • Find your nearest drug and alcohol support service. In Sunderland that is Wear Recovery and you can find their contact details further down the page. 
  • Join a peer support group like Narcotics Anonymous or Cocaine Anonymous. 

If you have a dependency, please speak to a professional before stopping using suddenly, so you can carefully manage any withdrawal symptoms.  

Made your decision? 

Once you’ve made your decision, try these steps to address your drug use: 

  • Keep a drug diary. Make a note of when you use, what you take, and how much. It’s also worth including where you were, who you were with, and what you’d been doing just before. 
  • See if you can spot any patterns in your diary. You might always use around particular people, or after heavy drinking, for example. 
  • If you can figure out the people, places and things that trigger your drug use, you can begin to make a plan. You might want to cut some triggers out entirely or avoid any combinations. 
  • Take your time if you need to. Gradual reduction is often the best way to quit. 
  • Be kind to yourself and celebrate each step towards your goal, no matter how small. Don’t feel guilty about any setbacks either. It’s a process and every challenge is an opportunity to learn more about yourself.  
  • If you start having cravings, distract yourself for a few minutes. Mindfulness or meditation apps and videos are good distractions. 
  • Have a look at our healthy minds page for information on ways to help your mental wellbeing. 

Always remember that you’re not alone. If you’re concerned about yours or someone else’s drug use and want to make some positive changes, there are services that can help.

Wear Recovery – Sunderland Integrated Drug and Alcohol Service

Sunderland’s Integrated Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Service for anyone needing help and support with drugs, alcohol or other substances.

0800 234 6798



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