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Workplace Health Alliance


Work and Health

Good employment that promotes the health of employees can reduce sickness absence; improve morale, increase productivity and performance. From an employer’s perspective, the benefits of a healthy workforce are clear, healthy staff are more productive, take less time off sick and do not necessarily need to retire early. However an unhealthy workforce negatively impacts our economy and society due to lost productivity, presenteeism, increases in long-term sickness and increased healthcare costs. There’s a strong economic case for businesses to consider ways they can improve employee health and in turn, have a positive impact on businesses and local economies.

What is the Alliance

Sunderland Workplace Health Alliance is a network of local businesses which aims to work collaboratively to improve health and wellbeing within Sunderland workplaces. The Alliance is open to all workplaces who take employee health seriously and would like to understand how to promote health at work resulting in a productive workforce, organisations productivity, profitability and staff morale. The Alliance provides support to improve health within the workplace including access to health information and health interventions – which provide early identification of problems and early access to bespoke health services where required. Members are able to learn from the practice of various industries and implement what works for them.

Membership is free and commitment can be made on various levels from quarterly participation at Alliance meetings to options that gets you access to support from local health and wellbeing services; one to one health and wellbeing interventions for your business to a wide range of training opportunities.

How to become a member



4 quarterly meetings focusing on health challenges experienced by Sunderland businesses
Attendance at specific themed sessions that is pertinent to workplaces

Support available to Alliance members

As a member, the support available is dependent on your businesses need. Following sign up there will be the following support options

  • Meetings with wider members
  • Solutions to your challenges from various industries
  • Case studies and good practice sharing
  • Bespoke support from a designated workplace health team
  • Bespoke support, tools and techniques to help you address challenges successfully 
  • Subsidised training and workshops to better equip you and your staff to meet health and wellbeing challenges arising