Pexels Markus Winkler 1430818 12460103 Scaled Aspect Ratio 1600 900Pexels Markus Winkler 1430818 12460103 Scaled Aspect Ratio 1000 1000

Health Champions – Smoking Brief Intervention Training


Smoking is one of the most significant risk factors contributing to ill health.

Brief intervention training is a method of discussing stopping smoking in a positive, non-confrontational way and how people can benefit from making changes.

The training is intended to provide the minimum level of knowledge and skill needed to confidently and effectively identify risk and provide brief advice to people who smoke and signpost to local services.

Objectives of the course

  • Identify the influences of Smoking on health and wellbeing ​
  • Identify the effects of tobacco smoking​
  • Making Every Contact Count (MECC)​
  • Very Brief/Brief Advice​
  • Examine examples of MECC ‘Opening the door’
  • Q & A

Next training date:

Thursday 26th September – Online via Teams – 2.00pm – 3.30pm 

Link to book –


If you have any questions please contact