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Ageing Well Ambassadors

Aging Well Ambassadors

Ageing Well Ambassador are voluntary ambassadors, aged 50+, who  take action to help raise awareness and spread the age-friendly message to others, so ageing well people’s voices continue to be heard in communities across Sunderland.

Ambassadors will be co-designers with partners of age-friendly ideas, initiatives, and developments across the city.

Ambassadors may promote Age Friendly Sunderland within their workplace, sports team, place of worship, with family and friends or anywhere in their community.

Who we are looking for

Acting as a volunteer, the Ageing Well Ambassador’s role is a flexible one, both in terms of time commitment and types of activities undertaken.

Ambassadors could contribute on a regular basis, by promoting and supporting age-friendly initiatives, or may wish to find ways to link their role in with the work they already do.

The role will suit anyone who is willing to connect with others and is passionate about having their say on issues affecting older people.

What an Ageing Well Ambassador could do

  • Raise awareness and promote age-friendly initiatives within your workplace, community or to the general public
  • Spread the message, talk to people about it, be an ‘age positive’ champion
  • Feedback information or questions to the Ageing Well Board for prompt resolution
  • Share information on social media relating to Age Friendly Sunderland
  • Make sure that the voice of people who are ageing well is heard by encouraging people to take part in consultations, campaigns and other opportunities for people to contribute
  • Encourage change when services are inaccessible or exclude ageing well people, making suggestions for adaptations and signposting for advice and guidance
  • Promote age-friendly initiatives
  • Encourage local businesses to sign up to age-friendly initiatives

In this initiative, Ryhope Sea Angling club worked with Newcastle University, Angling Trust and the National Innovation Centre Ageing to produce a short video called The skills in us – Joe and Bobby(opens new window).

Support and benefits for volunteers

All Volunteer Ageing Well Ambassadors will receive the following:

  • Opportunities to meet the other Ambassadors
  • Share ideas and make recommendations on issues affecting ageing well people through the Ageing Well Board
  • Receive support from the Council’s Community Resilience Team
  • Contribute to specific projects as a valued peer
  • Participate in online training where appropriate
  • Benefit from a buddy system
  • Support the design and delivery of an annual event


Or complete this registration form to become an Aging well Ambassador Sunderland Ageing Well Ambassadors – Registration form (office.com)

Hear some of our ambassadors talk about what ageing well means to them:



Local services

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