Washington Village u3a (WVu3a)

Washington Village u3a is part of a network of 1000+ u3a groups in the UK offering a wide range of activities for anyone who has finished working full-time. For just £12 a year (May to April), you can join our 280+ members and start going from retired to inspired! We have monthly meetings with interesting speakers, coffee mornings, physical activity groups (eg badminton, bowling, kurling, Tai Chi, pickleball, etc.) and lots of ways to learn new things (eg painting and drawing, bridge, family history, comedy group, ukulele, etc.). Everyone is welcome to attend one of our monthly meetings free of charge at 11.00am on the first Thursday of the month in the function room at The Stella, Windlass Lane, Albany, Washington NE37 1BH, then it’s £12 for the following year. If you join Washington Village u3a (via our website) you can then take part in any of our 30+ activity groups.
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