We will be offering support with the cost of living. Our foodbank and community fridge scheme will operate on a drop-in basis for individuals and families in crisis. We will be offering fresh and frozen foods as well as long life items. Our trained staff can offer basic benefit advice helping individuals with DWP forms. We have our dedicated careers advisor on site at SNYP. We will refer eligible residents to the Household Support Fund which will offer vouchers to assist with fuel and food bills. Our staff will engage with individuals and actively listen to their challenges to allow us to identify those in need of additional assistance.
We will be running a community hub where we will provide a diverse range of activities and services tailored to meet individuals needs and interests. We aim to foster a sense of belonging, promoting well-being and build a stronger community through service delivery, befriending, mentoring, signposting and opportunities.
We collaborate with Change the Game, an organisation that hosts a variety of free weekly classes, including walking football, netball, sit & be fit and clubbercise. We work in partnership with local organisations which allow us to confidently guide individuals toward activities aligned with their interests.
At Thompson Park Community Centre, we offer weekly health and wellbeing sessions, including martial arts, dance, cheerleading and little movers. We actively engage with local residents to identify the gaps in our offerings and this valuable feedback designs our activities and services. We will be offering volunteering opportunities and community involvement to provide residents with a sense of purpose.
SNYP have been delivering youth work in Southwick for 45 years. Our approach is to prioritise young people’s well-being and development. We are committed to designing and delivering youth work activities that are both inclusive and empowering, placing young people at the heart of the process. We have open accessed youth sessions where the young people can participate freely without any restrictions. We also have detached youth workers that engage with the young people in their own environments to build trust and relationships. We have dedicated youth workers that tailor service to meet the needs of the individual accessing. Through our youthwork we aim to empower young people through focused programmes to develop their self-esteem leading to a more positive self-image and mental well-being. Our youth based programmes are developed by the young people and include activities to develop their personal and social skills.
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