Friends of the drop in for asylum seekers and refugees (FODI) is a charity that aims to improve the mental health and well-being of the asylum-seeking and refugee community of Sunderland. In doing so we hope to lessen their social isolation and promote their integration into the wider community, by supporting and extending the activities of the Drop-In currently run on Wednesday afternoons.

At FODI, we believe that everyone deserves a chance to thrive.

That’s why we help asylum-seekers and refugees in Sunderland find their way in the community, whether it’s through the charity’s programs or just by being part of something bigger than themselves.

We see people who have been forced to flee their homes and are living in limbo, without support or a place to call home. We want to give them a chance to be active members of their communities again—and better yet, we want to do it together!

FODI is a not-for-profit charity that provides funding for projects that improve the lives of asylum seekers and refugees in Sunderland by providing access to community resources and opportunities.

FODI aims to improve the mental health and well-being of the asylum-seeking and refugee community of Sunderland. In doing so we hope to lessen their social isolation and promote their integration into the wider community, by supporting and extending the activities of the Drop-In. FODI has no religious affiliations. All asylum seekers and refugees are welcome.

Our objectives:

  • To provide opportunities for the clients of the Drop-In to participate in wider societal activities of a suitable nature.
  • To foster closer links into the wider community, providing opportunities for clients to link into this.
  • To work in partnership with other local organisations/groups to further this aim.