Community Opportunities

We offer sessions from 8 venues across the City and share information on our wider service delivery support including social groups, training opportunities, advice on benefits and household support information, health and sports sessions and family activities.  Our employability team are also available to provide advice for those who are looking for work or a change of career and appointments can be offered in the Links for Life project venue, reducing travel time and costs for residents. We run a range of active volunteering programmes which include opportunities in the outdoors, retail and catering, buddying and befriending as well as event delivery and planning such as trips to places of interest and our Community Team can provide taster sessions in these opportunities.

Community Opportunities’ Links for Life activities also include afterschool sessions for young residents aged 5-11 years. There are a range of enriching and enjoyable activities that help children develop their social skills through sharing play experiences. The sessions also support with exploring feelings and emotions in a safe environment with suitably experienced staff.

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