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Move it Monday

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Silksworth Youth and Community Centre, Silksworth Youth and Community Centre, Tunstall Village Road, SR3 2BB
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Monday 1.30pm - 2.30pm


Need some Monday motivation?! 

Come along to our Move it Monday gentle exercise class (excluding bank holidays) 

All abilities welcome – gentle seated exercise class 

  • Free to participate

This service is provided by

Youth Almighty Project

A vibrant youth and community organisation delivering services and providing activities for our communities! more...

0191 523 8000



Silksworth Youth and Community Centre, Tunstall Village Road, Sunderland, SR3 2BB

Silksworth Youth and Community Centre

Silksworth Youth and Community Centre, Tunstall Village Road, SR3 2BB

Monday 1.30pm - 2.30pm