Older Man With Back Pain Aspect Ratio 1600 900

Escape Pain Backs

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The Washington Well Being Hub, Washington Millennium Centre The Oval, Concord, Washington NE37 2QD
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2.30pm to 4.00pm


Please refer via the online referral link - www.activefamiliesne.co.uk

What is the ESCAPE-pain for backs programme and how will it help me?

ESCAPE-pain stands for Enabling Self-management and Coping with Arthritic Pain using Exercise. It is a rehabilitation programme for people with chronic joint pain that integrates education and exercise.

ESCAPE-pain for backs is designed to benefit people with chronic low back pain. The programme will not cure, nor eliminate pain completely. However, it aims to reduce pain, improve physical function, self-confidence, sense of being in control of problems, and the depression and frustration that is often felt with chronic pain.


What to expect?

  • ESCAPE-pain for backs is delivered as 2 classes per week for six weeks (12 classes in total).
  • Class size is usually about 8–10 people.
  • Each class usually starts with a brief (15-20 minute) group discussion around a specific topic relating to back pain. This gives you the opportunity to share your experiences with other participants, and discuss the session topic further.
  • The group discussion is followed by around 40 -45 minutes of a simple circuit-type exercise programme. A physiotherapist or an exercise professional will supervise the circuit and tailor exercises to suit your needs.
  • During the first and last session, you’ll be asked to complete some questionnaires about your pain and management. This information is useful to see how much progress you have made, and to keep track of how ESCAPE-pain for backs is helping people.

What to bring?

All exercise equipment will be provided. It’s recommended that you:
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing.
  • Wear comfortable, flat shoes (e.g. trainers).
  • Bring a water bottle.
  • Bring reading glasses, if you need t

This service is provided by

Active Families

At Active Families North East we work across the North East of England, delivering accessible health & well-being activities for more...



The Washington Well Being Hub

Washington Millennium Centre The Oval, Concord, Washington NE37 2QD

2.30pm to 4.00pm