428241938 267559516429812 691447635252771304 N Aspect Ratio 1600 900
427715230 367084409547403 7891953374941789395 N Aspect Ratio 1600 900
428194634 785107316812601 5589345524525833580 N Aspect Ratio 1600 900

Monthly Bingo and Broth

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Pallion Action Group, 5 East Moor Road Pallion, Sunderland SR4 6QW
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First Tuesday of each month from 11:30am to 1:30pm


A session for those who want to get together, make new friends, eat, drink, chat and have a good game of bingo with lots of prizes to be won, taking place the first Tuesday of each month.


  • 0191 514 2011
  • Accessable guide available
  • All genders welcome
  • Food and drink available
  • Free to participate

This service is provided by

Pallion Action Group

We are a resource for the community, adopting a community development model to meet community needs. more...

0191 514 2011



5 East Moor Road Pallion, Sunderland SR4 6QW

What clients say about our service

"Supporting residents in Pallion and across the City of Sunderland"

Noble, K. (no date) During this cost of living crisis we are here for you!, Pallion Action Group. Available at: https://pallionactiongroup.co.uk/ (Accessed: 22 February 2024).

Pallion Action Group

5 East Moor Road Pallion, Sunderland SR4 6QW

First Tuesday of each month from 11:30am to 1:30pm