Active Sunderland Walking Programme Hetton Lyons Walk

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Hetton Lyons Country Park, Hetton le Hole DH5 0RH
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Wednesday 9.30am - 10.30am


Our walk caters for you if you can walk for an hour and up to 3 miles. Suitable footwear is recommended as well as waterproofs for when it is wet weather. If you think you have special requirements, please inform the walk leaders for advice. We have tea/coffee and toast in the cafe each week after our ramble. We aim to make this walk all inclusive and welcoming.

Meet at the café at Hetton Lyons Country Park.

This service is provided by

Active Sunderland

Active Sunderland's aim is to develop an 'All together an Active Sunderland - a city where everyone is as active more...

Hetton Lyons Country Park

Hetton le Hole DH5 0RH

Wednesday 9.30am - 10.30am