Active Forever: Seated or Standing

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The Washington Well Being Hub, Washington Millennium Centre The Oval, Concord, Washington NE37 2QD
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Monday 1.30pm


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Our unique programme brings the ageing well community together. No matter what your ability you can join in this class and have fun moving to the music. From pom poms, to resistance bands this class will be fun and give you the boost of energy you need. It can also be done seated or stood up depending on your capabilities. Great music to singalong to and you’re sure to make some good friends. Join us for a class and a cuppa.

This service is provided by

Active Families

At Active Families North East we work across the North East of England, delivering accessible health & well-being activities for more...

The Washington Well Being Hub

Washington Millennium Centre The Oval, Concord, Washington NE37 2QD

Monday 1.30pm