The benefits of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding offers lots of health benefits to mam and baby.

Baby’s health

  • Breast milk meets your baby’s nutritional needs with key vitamins and minerals.
  • Builds a strong immune system through antibodies passed on from mam.
  • Reduces risk of some infections and illnesses.

Mam’s health

  • Supports the mother-baby relationship.
  • Reduces risk of post-natal depression.
  • Lowers risk of developing diabetes, osteoporosis, breast and ovarian cancers.
  • Helps uterus get back to its normal size.
  • Breastfeeding burns approximately 500 calories a day.

Breastfeeding is FREE, available anytime, anywhere, at the perfect temperature, so has financial benefits as well as saving time and energy making up bottles.

For breastfeeding support including groups and information, please contact Health Visiting on 03000031552, send a message through Growing Healthy 0-19 Sunderland | HDFT Childrens Health Service or download the Growing Healthy Sunderland (Children’s Health Service – HDFT) app available through the same link.

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