Health is not just about what happens in hospitals and doctors surgeries. Our health is impacted by the places we live and the communities and social groups we are part of. Links for Life Sunderland is about helping people live the best life they can, by creating healthy, happy communities and supporting them to link to local services.
Our Vision: Links for Life Sunderland will bring together people within communities, supporting everyone to have healthy, happy lives, with no one left behind.
- Links for Life is about giving people information. There is a lot of information about a wide range of topics that impact our health and well being can be found under the topics section.
- Links for Life is about giving people knowledge about services available in their communities, so they can make decisions to help them improve their health and wellbeing. Information about the services our members provide can be explored in our Community Directory section.
- Links for Life is about improving connections between our services, so residents receive support that is right for them. Local organisations can register to become a member of Links for Life under our members page.
If you are still a bit uncertain where to start please visit our more help page for some suggestions of where you might get support
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